With Februari half gone, and me finally being caught up, I better hurry up with the my January expense report before I fall behind again. Especially because January was pretty good.

Income: 2 512 euro

Expenses: 1 505,90 euro

Savings : 1 006,10 euro or 40%


January income was pretty simple. My normal wage from working and a 200 euro end of year gift I got on the 1st of January.

January is boring in this regard. But if boring means a 40% savings rate boring is good!


In January I was almost within my self imposed budget of 1 500 euro.

So close

It is especially impressive if you know that I had to pay a 130 euro speeding ticket. I blame the Vespa, the Vesap blames me. What can I say, we have a toxic relationship in this regard.,,

Remember kids, in real life speed does not lead to fun adventures. It does lead to expensive tickets!

I also paid 100 euro for new glasses because well, I am getting old.

A dentist visit cost me 13,50 eur (did I mention am getting old?)

13,5 eur for a smile like this is? That’s a steal!

On the fun side, I visited a friend in Ghent and went to see the latest Star Wars at the Cinema. The grand cost for all this fun was 30 euro.

And then the expenses I am most proud off: 32 euro for our locale swimming pool as I have been ramping up my swimming (I do not trust myself enough to pay for a yearly subscription – yet). And only 45 euro spend on food stuff I shouldn’t have bought. The diet is going more or less well. Not perfect but I have let go of ‘perfect’ in this regard. ‘Good enough’ will do. If I keep up the ‘good enough’ food wise and ramp up my swimming I should – eventually – be alright weight and health wise.

Which reminds me that I own you guys a health report …