A short month should mean a cheap month, right? Let’s see if the numbers reflect this as well.
Income : 2 355 euro
Expenses: 1 509,12 euro
Savings: 845,88 euro or 36%
If my January income was boring, February income is even more boring! Only my wage from working, that’s it! It can not get any more simple than this. I am still hoping to be able to unsimplify my income by adding a side hustle. I have a few ideas …
Oh damn, just outside the budget of 1 500 euro! Well, not really …
I actually did better than the numbers show. Knowing I was going to be pretty close within my budget I went on a little shopping spree.
I stocked up on some anti-abrasive gel for all the swimming I am doing again. 3 times a week in the water for 45 minutes + and skin starts to hurt in some places. I stoked up not only because of the left-over budget but also to avoid any delivery fees so I am now good for close to a year.

With still some money left over I also purchase a fine single malt whisky. The Glenlivet 15 years, french oak reserve is worth every eurocent it cost me. And it did cost me 5 350 eurocent. I do not drink a lot of whiskey, but when I do I like it to be of excellent quality. And over the past years my stock has been slowly dwindeling down. If I keep staying within budget as I have been for the last two months I will use those opportunities to replenish my supply …

Also in the fun category was carnival which set me back 68 euro. Which does proof that you can be both frugal AND anti-semitic 😉
I also paid the last part of the glasses I bought in January: this cost me 47 euro but I will be getting a 60 euro refund from my health insurance. This refund unfortunately was not paid into my account in February.
In the bad category: I did spend 67 euro on food I shouldn’t have bought. I really need to remind myself that this could have gone to another bottle of fine whisky 😉
Concerning the drop in stock values which, by a wild guess off me, had my net worth drop by around 25,000 euro in less then a week I refer to this great post of JL Collins.
Bottom line is I really don’t care and neither should you,
Oh, that 67 EUR spending on food you shouldn’t have bought applies to me as well. I was able to stop for a few months passing by a Carrefour Express on my way home from work but I recently started again. Thanks for the reminder I should stop that right now.
Damn those pesky convenience stores and their, euh, convenience ..
Hahaha, damn straight, way too convenient. It really requires a lot from me not to stop by.