The last day of Februari seems to me as the perfect day for a recap of the month Januari. Because .. if you know you’re lazay, clap your hands, … If you know you’re lazy clap you hands ..

Income : 2 222 euro

expenses: 1 239,20 euro

Savings : 982,80 euro 44,23%


Income was plain old boring work income plus a 50 euro end of year gift from the parents. The parents actualy gave me a bit more money at the end of year. But since most of it was destined for the purchase of a rowing machine. And since I bought that in February it made a bit more sence to als book the gift in Februari. All it does is moothing out the numbers a bit.


As every month, 1 100 euro went into our joint account to pay the mortgage, utilities and our joint grocery shopping.

Extra food was 61 euro. Once more, pizzahut is to blame!

I also spend 78 euro on extra weights for my fitness equipment. I still haven’t received the complete order as home fitness sales have apparently tripled over the last year and there is a huge backlog for everything. But once everything is delivered I should have enough weights for the rest of the year.

I don’t know about you guys, but I keep my weights on top off an old fridge ..

And that’s it. that’s all I bought in Januari. Lockdowns are cheap!

The bitcoins are worth 240 euro at the moment but I am planning on spending all my ill gotten gains in March. Darknet here I come!