Belgium is slowly opening up but until now this did not have an impact on my spending. The low spending in combination with my annual work bonus being paid out resulted in a record breaking savings rate!
Income: 3 988,38 euro
Expenses: 1 422 euro
Savings: 2 566,38 euro or 64,35%
Income was my standard pay check of 2 176 euro + my annual bonus of 1 811,88 euro. The bonus is an annual performance bonus. It could be a full extra month but we didn’t reach all goals for the full 100%. All in all my work had a very good year and this year we are even smashing last years numbers! For the time being my job is pretty secure.
As usual I transferred 1 100 euro to our jount account for my part of the mortgage, utilities, groceries and such …
My mobile phone subscription was 22 euro as I surpassed my data plan this month. Our wifi doesn’t reach into our utility room where I am doing my rowing. And some decent techno does help with the rowing. Still, I need to be honest here: I could have just made my own playlist and downloaded it on the phone and thus not need a data connexion. I have just been to lazy to do it. Lazy spinning up this Techno channel on Youtube is just easier but does chew up your data …
May is mothersday so I bought a gift for mom: 34 euro. Mom is a difficult woman to buy gifts for as she never need/want anything. Then again, I never need/want anything either ..
I spend 16 euro on extra food but this was completely in line with my regime: spare ribs for the win!
Back in Januari I bought extra weights and proudly said I wouldn’t need any extra weights for the rest of the year. Unfortunately I made an error then and only ordered one 10kg platter. I should have ordered two. As a result I was now coming close to running out of weights. Ordering just one 10 kg platter felt a bit stupid, especially with the delivery costs. Since I had barely spend anything in May I decided to order all weights I could potentially need for the next two years. 250 euro spend on weight platters, including not one but three 10 kg platters and two 5 kg platters! These are really going to be the last weights I buy. I will just add extra repetitions to my exercises when these weights eventually will not be enough anymore. Main reason being that I am running out of space to store these weights.

I love these months with big saving rate ! I regret are only 2 each year 😀
It looks like I might have three of these months!