Sigh, I have been jojo-ing between 109 and 110 kg on the weight front. This morning I clocked in at 110.1 kg. While it isn’t really bad it’s also not very good.
I kind of lost focus a little bit, mentally I was a bit down and the kettlebell exercises are still pretty fucking brutal on my body. Finding a new equilibrium on what I need to eat to keep up with the demands the kettlebell swings place on my body is ongoing. I’ll explain in more detail below.
Again, I didn’t miss any sessions. I like what I do and acutally look forward to lifting weights.

You can ignore the two lower bars, that’s a logging mishap where one session of exercising wasn’t logged. A bit annoying that you can’t correct this. Basically i plateaud at 30 180 kg. Yes I cracked my own goal of 30K!!
The logging mishap does mean that my total numbers aren’t a 100% correct anymore but I am not sweatting about those. They are pretty impressive even if I do say so myself 😉

Staying on a plateau was intentional because of my transition to a 20 kg kettlebell in my greasing the groove routine,
Greasing the groove
Greasing the groove was brutal! Last month I started at 10 reps with a 20 kg weight and my focus was on getting those reps up higher,
At the moment I am at 16 reps and hell was that increase brutal. Off course a 6 reps increase does mean 120 kg extra lifted, 8 times a day for 6 days a week. That’s a 5 760 kg increase. It was a bit much! I think my frugal habits came and bit me in the ass here. I went from 10 kg to 20 kg in one go to save money because kettlebells are expensive and I knew if I bought a 16 kg one I would need to buy a 20 kg one a few months later. I should have bought the 16 kg kettlebell and made the transition to that one.
The big jump in weight got me somewhat out of balance. And this on several areas. Food wise it had me getting the energy out of bad food. It also made me pretty tired, which didn’t help with the somber mood I was in. I did realise what was happening so I was a bit less disciplined and did miss a few repetitions. Like this week I only did them for 5 days and last week I had a few days with only 5 reps and not the normal 8. The reason was life getting in the way (like a Saturday of lots of yard work I didn’t want to interrupt every hour to go do my exercices). But normally I would make up for the missed reps late in the evening or on Sunday. Recognising my body needed a bit more rest I didn’t do it this time. I think I made the right call here.
By het way, my record keeping of my greasing the groove rpetitions is just on a scrap of paper I throw away when its full.

Simplicity does work sometimes. I have off course also kept up my 50 reps of crunches so one bar represents both the crunches as the kettelbell swings as I always do them back to back.
Rowing was a big fat zero. Which I realise isn’t good. Like I said above, i now realise I lost my equilibrium, in part because of the big jump to a 20 kg kettlebell.
I am glad I have a three part exercise regime because even if I screw up 1 part as I did now I still have the other two parts to fall back on. But I also need to learn from my mistakes. So the fitness and greasing the groove will stay on their present plateau while I find my balance once more on the food front and rebuild my rowing habit. I am going to really focus on my habit and begin with just 5 min of rowing. Actually how many minutes I row doesn’t even matter at the moment! More important is getting back in the habit of sitting on the machine and do something!
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