I fell ill again the last month. Still not Covid, but a lot of other bugs are going around and I caught one of those. It knocked me out good for about a week. I normally don’t get sick that much and this was now the second time in a 3 month period. I think it is a combination of fewer social contacts and also the losing weight which made my immunity dip.
Being sick had off course an impact both on my exercises and weight lose. The weight dropped fast the week I was sick but I probably started exercising too quickly again which left me HUNGRY. I didn’t really fell into my old bad habits (except for all the chocolate I ate) but I definitely ate too much the two weeks after being sick. The lesson here is that I need a post-sickeness food plan. Being sick while dieting whipes out any and all buffer you have left. So feeling hungry and wanting to eat more after is normal. I just need to make sure that next time I have – more- healthy alternatives where I can indulge in.
Bottom line is that weight wise not a lot off progress was made I clocked in at 110 kg Sunday.
The impact on my exercises you can read below.
I only missed the one week I was really ill. And then the week after I restarted again. Honestely, I think this was a mistake as I was really weak and a longer rest period might have been better. It was a real struggle to get through my fitness program the first two weeks after being ill. I listened to my body and didn’t added any weight here. It was actually only last week that I felt like I had my full strength back.

So 1 week out and almost no progress made in the weights lifted. I did manage to crack the 25K barrier and lifted a total of 25 692 kg last week. And I also reached the 1 million kgs lifted sometime during the last month!

Greasing the groove
Same story here. I didn’t do any during the week I was ill and then restarted immediately once I was, barely, better.
Kettlebell swings remained at 25 reps with 10 kg because I was a cheap ass online and bought the wrong 20 kg kettlebells. The once I got are too big too use in a swing. See photo below off my stupidity.

I will go to a shop and try out one before buying!
For sit-up I did make some progress. I ended last week at 48 reps. I am pushing forward here to reach my end goals of 50 reps, 8 times a day, 6 days a week which will make a cool 2 400 sit-ups per week!
Geldnerd made himself a nice spreadsheet to track his own fitness progress. And I am now wondering if I should do the same for the greasing the groove part of my work out regime. It is pretty satifying to have see your progress in nice graphs.
I wanted to dedicate myself more to my cardio and then I fell sick and out went that idea. Cardio is what I have up feeling weak and barely being able to get through the fitness. In a way it isn’t bad that I didn’t do it because I really restarted to quickly with my exercices. But the conclusion of my last report still stands: I am not doing enough cardio.
With the current situation I do need to be honest with myself here. I am restarting at 3 x 10 minutes and then see if I either go up in time again or if I stay at 10 minutes and just do it more often in the week. But first getting my routine of 3 times back!
That way upwards is never a straight line, isn’t it? Just pick up the practice again and progress will come again. After those frustrating weeks of stagnation. Happy Holidays!
Another lockdown in The Netherlands just ruined my progress….
Happy holidays! It is indeed not a straight line (and in that way it has a lot in common with wealth building).
The first lockdown ruined my progress in swimming that is why I switched to rowing: I wanted to do stuff 100% within my control which the government couldn’t ruin for me.
After new year are roof is replaced and after that the attic will be transformed into a cineam/party space and then I don’t need to leave my property for anything at all …